* Description: Executing script on crontab when Linux system starts up
* Date: 02:24 PM EST, 03/10/2018

<1> In some scenario, we need to trigger some script when Linux system comes up. 
     |__ o. For example, system engineer needs to shutdown server every weekend for mainteance, and needs to bring application process up automatically afterwars.
     |__ o. For Windows, task scheduler provides an option under trigger tab.
     |__ o. For Linux, this could be archived by put "@reboot " on crontab under any certain system user, who needs to be the owner of the process.
         |__ $ whoami
         |           wluser
         |__ $ crontab -l
                     #Minute (0-59),
                     #|      Hour (0-23),
                     #|      |       Day of the month (1-31),
                     #|      |       |       Month of the year (1-12),
                     #|      |       |       |       Day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).
                     #|      |       |       |       |       Commands
                     #|      |       |       |       |       |
                     @reboot /data/WEBLOGGIC_HOME/auto_startup.sh	

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